Tuesday 23 September 2014

Latest Update

Hi everyone,
Just a quick update ... At last I've had my spinal surgery which was about 10 days ago and I'm back home now hopefully making a slow but good recovery. Unable to spend too long sitting on the computer, so I won't be able to write much for a while, but never fear, the premise for a sequel to LOOKING AT YOU  is slowly forming in my head... So many people it seems, want to know more about the Greek storyline which was a sort of subplot in the last book.
Meanwhile I hope those of you who've got around to reading LOOKING AT YOU will have enjoyed it and will even perhaps feel enclined to give me a little review. They are always so welcome.
I'll try to keep the blog better posted from now on. It's been a crazy upheaval time in the past couple of months and I'm slowly coming down to earth.
Thanks again to all who have supported me and sent me healing thoughts and good wishes.
Jan x